Geographic Information Systems
Washington County Online GIS
Tax Office
120 Adams St.
Office is in the Washington County Courthouse
Hours of Operation
8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday
Sherri Wilkins [email protected] |
Maps & Parcel Information
The Washington County Geographical Information Systems Department currently maintains a database of all Washington County parcels. This consists of 10,000 parcels within the county boundaries and covers a total of 336 square miles. Several different map layers are maintained to provide up-to-date information to the County’s residents, businesses, and prospective business clients. The map layers currently maintained by the department include the following:
- Cadastral – Parcels and ownership information
- Soils – Showing detailed soil information and land use applications – Soil types
- County – Depicting subdivision lot line, jurisdictional boundaries, water features, and transportation such as railroads.
- Flood – Delineating 100 and 500-year flood zones as shown on the FIRM maps.
- Roads – Detailed road coverage with new address ranges maintained for e911
- Grave Sites – Historical grave information for burials in Washington County
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Washington County?
Washington County is located in northeast North Carolina on the south side of Albemarle Sound.
What is a PIN number?
Each parcel of land on the GIS database is assigned a unique identification number. This number enables our department to index and store attribute information about each parcel. In Washington County, the PIN number is used in the GIS office, the Register of Deeds, and the Tax Administration office. This allows a user to cross-reference information about a parcel.
The PIN geographically locates each parcel of land. The PIN is derived from the central point of a parcel of land using a combination of the easting and northing grid coordinates. These coordinates are obtained from the North Carolina State Plane Coordinate System.
As stated previously the PIN geographically references a parcel to its location on the earth.
What is GIS?
GIS is an acronym for Geographical Information Systems. This term is used to define a system that allows for queries and analyses of spatial data from different sources whose functionality offers the ability to manipulate, analyze and visualize the combined data. In everyday language, this translates to a computer system that takes information about a geographic area and allows users to combine data, manipulate data and visualize data for that area.
Downloadable Files – Updated 2/13/23
Parcels (SHP)
Address Points (SHP)
Zoning (SHP)
Grave Sites (SHP)
Washington County Cemeteries (XLS)
Washington County Grave Sites (XLS)
Don’t see what you need? Shoot me an email: [email protected]